Smith Wigglesworth Fully embraced the BLOOD of JESUS! He personally experienced the Power of Christ BLOOD! Smith: The Lord, the Omnipotent God, it is He that knows the end from the beginning and has arranged by the BLOOD of the Lamb to cleans the guilty and make intercession for all believers. Oh, it is a wonderful inheritance of faith to find shelter and forgiveness through the BLOOD of JESUS! Smith:

This blessed salvation that God hath made for us through the BLOOD of His Son was designed to free you from all the powers of Satan and make you heirs and joint heirs with Jesus. O this blessed salvation; O this glorious inheritance that we have in JESUS. It is a lovely thought to me. Three times God rent the heavens with the words, “This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Smith: “There is healing through the BLOOD of Christ and deliverance for every captive.”Smith: O brother, O sister, God wants you to know that He has redemption for you through the BLOOD of JESUS.

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