JESUS NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES was written by Nehemiah Ocha. It is the first single from Nehemiah Ochas invitaion to the @themmpraise
JESUS NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES was recorded in Nigeria, during The Marathon Messiah’s Praise @themmpraise at Redemption City in February, 2023. It was birthed from the theme of that year’s Marathon Messiah’s Praise event.
Call: The Name of Jesus is Above all other names
Resp:: The Name of Jesus is Above all other names
Call: When I call that name
Respd: Jesus
Call: Every Knee must bow
Respd: Jesus
Call: every tongue confess
Respd: Jesus
Call: At the mention of the name
Respd: Jesus
Call: Iku Gboruko Jesu, Osa wo gbo
Resp: Gboruko Jesu
Call: Arun Gboruko Jesu, Osa wo le
Resp: Gboruko Jesu
Call: Sango Gboruko Jesu, Osa wo le
Resp: Gboruko Jesu
Call: Cancer Gboruko Jesu, Osa wo le
Resp: Gboruko Jesu
Call: Barriness Gboruko Jesu, Osa wo le
Resp: Gboruko Jesu
Call: E po ruko Jesu
Res: Po ruko Jesu (Jesu)
JESUS (NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES) Nehemiah Ocha ft. The Flames
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