“You Are Worthy” was written by Patrick and Joy Ayertey, along with MOGmusic.


Father we worship you
Only you are worthy
Lord you are worthy

Only you are worthy
Only you are worthy
Only you are worthy
To be praised
To be praised

Receive the glory
And honor, and power
Receive the glory
And honor, and power

Only You deserve it

Receive the glory
And honor, and power
Receive the glory
And honor, and power

So we call His name, Jesus
Yes we call His name, Jesus
And we say, worthy of all our praise
Yes we call His name, Jesus
The most beautiful name, Jesus
And we say, worthy of all our praise

Nobody nobody like you
Nobody nobody like you
Worthy of all our praise

Only you are worthy
Only you are worthy
To be praised
To be praised


You Are Worthy (Official Music Video) | Need Worship | MOGmusic

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