Canaan Nyathi singing “Ukwenzile” from Spirit Of Praise 10.
Babuzana bodwa Siphila kanjani
They ask themselves how we do live
Bababuzana bodawa sinqoba kanjani
They ask themselves how we do we win
Ukwenzile ungenzele Ukwenzile yena okwenzileyo
God did it, he did it for me , God did it, he is the one who did it
Ooh oh Jesu Ukwenzile
Ooh oh Jesus did it
Bekithemba kuye mnini mandla onke Jesu Ukwenzile
Put your trust in him all the power belongs to him Jesus has done it
Bambelela kuye mnini mandla onke Jesu Ukwenzile
Hold on unto him all the power belongs to him Jesus has done it
Ungasuki kuye mninimandla onke Jesu ukwenzile
Stay in him all the power belongs to him Jesus has done it
Namathela kuye mninimandla onke Jesu ukwenzile
Stick to him all the power belongs to him Jesus has done it
Turnaround :Ukwenzile Ungenzele Ukwenzile yena okwenzileyo
He has done it, he has done it for me, he has done it, he is the one who did it
Jesus is calling your name…
Bekithemba kuye mninimandla onke Jesu Ukwenzile
Put your trust in him all the power belongs to him Jesus has done it
Ukwenzile | Spirit Of Praise 10 ft Canaan Nyathi
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