Principles for Personal and Professional Success
365 Days of Inspiration combine Dr. Napoleon Hill’s maxims with time tested thoughts from around the world. Motivational ideas in literary works and spiritual writings abound now and in ages past. Linking these thoughts together gives the reader additional insight, depth of understanding, and an opportunity to assimilate the short message and make it their own. As you read the thought for the day, reflect on it and see how it applies to you as you journey toward your success.
At one point in time, Dr. Hill called these maxims “Mental Vitamins.” Good thoughts produce good outcomes. W. Clement Stone, Dr. Hill’s friend and business partner, states: “In a novel, the author writes the conclusion; in a selfhelp book, the reader writes the conclusion by the action he takes.” What you think about, you become. Think on these things, and become the very best you can be! Do it now!
Napoleon Hill had a long and successful career writing, teaching, and lecturing about the principles of success. His work is a monument to individual achievement, the cornerstone of modern motivation.
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